Sunday, March 27, 2011

Request for Special Meeting of EBR Parish Tree Commission

Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 11:09 AM
To: ''; ''
Cc: ''
Subject: Proposed Agenda Item for Upcoming EBR Parish Tree Commission Meeting (4/20/11)

Eleven live oaks registered by the Live Oak Society have either been “removed” or are being threatened by the Green Light Project phase to widen Staring Lane.  At the next meeting (4/20/11) of the EBR Parish Tree Commission, can the fate (including protection of those marked for saving) of these live oaks be discussed?  W.Daniel of DPW indicates only four of these (five possibly) will be saved.  I am concerned about protection from road construction activities for those marked to be saved.  I would also like to reconsider those not yet removed or significantly cropped as possible candidates for being saved.

I am also a bit concerned that your next scheduled meeting may be too far in the future to prevent day-to-day damage potential.  Can a special meeting be called in the next week?


1 comment:

  1. EBR Parish Tree Commission is Inactive

    UPDATE 3/29/11: Per S.Shurtz, the EBR Tree Commission has been “inactive for several years now”. It was created via ordinance in 1991. By design, it has basically no authority, serves only as an advocacy organization [though that is what we need now]. It was mentioned the commission members largely all quit in protest a few years ago. It was also stated the commission was not really needed anyway since we had other city organizations like Baton Rouge Green.

    From former commission members I heard a litany of concerns: difficulty in getting all commission members to attend meetings, difficultly in gaining ear of the Mayor, failure of Mayor to fill (by appointment) commission member vacancies, MetroCouncilmen unreceptive to commission recommendations, difficulty in putting proper city ordinances in place, no MetroCouncil support.
