Saturday, March 26, 2011

City Should Adopt LSU Model Tree Ordinance

Section 13. Protection of Municipal Trees.
All public trees shall be protected during construction.

1. All trees on any street or other publicly owned property near any excavation or construction of any building, structure, or street work, shall be guarded with a good substantial fence, frame, or box. The "Construction Tree Guard" shall be not less than four (4) feet high and eight (8) feet square, or at a distance in feet from the tree trunk equal to the diameter of the trunk at breast height (D.B. H.) in inches, which ever is greater. All building material, dirt, or other debris shall be kept outside the Construction Tree Guard.

2. No person shall change natural drainange, excavate any ditches, tunnels, trenches, or lay any drive within a radius of ten (10) feet from any public tree without first obtaining a written permit from the City Arborist.

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