Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Entergy Tree Trimming Crews Responsible for Tree Damage Along Staring Lane

Chris Holeman is the Project Manager for the Staring Lane widening.  He is subcontracted to CSRS Program Management.  The current plans for the widening effort involve both a 30 ft raised median (grass) and curb & gutter, "like Bluebonnet Road".  The widening effort is split into two phases, North of Chandler (completing in August 2011) and South of Chandler (start overlapping completion of other phase).  He mentioned the tree cropping to date is being performed by Entergy tree trimming crews, with a view to location of the power lines;  at present, the construction group tree removals have not begun in the 'South of Chandler' phase.

In short, Registered Live Oak #5790 ("Phoenix") at 560 Staring Lane, which was labelled as "pruned but may survive" in DPW List of 3/24/11, was damaged by Entergy tree trimming crews!

Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 11:13 AM
To: 'holeman@csrsonline.com'
Cc: 'rallen@theadvocate.com'; 'CPL70600@aol.com'; 'Steve Shurtz'
Subject: Three Special Live Oaks Along Staring Lane in Path of Green Light Project

Thanks for speaking with me today and clarifying design details of the Staring Lane Project (widening from Perkins Rd to Highland Rd)!  Attached is the survey performed by the DPW arborist on 3/24/11, which indicates the status of each of the 11 registered live oaks along this stretch of roadway.  I am especially interested in protecting the following three live oaks (one was cited on the DPW List as ‘will not survive’, but has not as yet been touched).  Addresses and photos are included to help locate them.

Perhaps you can advise me as to plans to protect these three oaks?

Registered Live Oak #6169 "STARING HOPE" (Girth 12.2 ft) at 467 Staring Lane
Approx Project Station  123+00
“Will Not Survive” (but at present untouched)

Registered Live Oak #5790 "PHOENIX" (Girth 11.02 ft) at 560 Staring Lane
Approx Project Station  130+50
“Pruned but may survive” per DPW List of 3/24/11
Registered Live Oak #5249  "MARC OAK" (Girth 27.01 ft) at 364 Staring Lane
Approx Project Station 115+50
“Not Scheduled for Removal” per DPW List of 3/24/11

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