Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ensure Preservation of Last Two Registered Live Oaks on Staring Lane

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 09:31:36 -0400
Subject: Re: [SaveOurOaks] Tally of Registered Live Oaks Along Staring Lane

You did all you could. It was too late to intervene once the plans were approved and the tree removal began. Unfortunately, this is what the outside world will see of Baton Rouge and its "green" program, but at least it appears that two of the most significant trees will remain. Now you all will need to turn toward monitoring construction impacts to make sure the contractors make no mistakes around those last two trees. Insist upon participation in the contractor orientation process by a certified arborist familiar with large tree conservation, and be sure that his instructions for clear zones, protective fence, etc. are followed.

Councilman Requested to Initiate Reactivation of Tree Commission

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 11:23:16 -0500

Councilman Bourgeois was out of town last week and will be back by tomorrow.  I talked to him by phone and he agrees with your thoughts on the Tree Commission.  He will call you when he returns.  Thank you.

Deanna Goux
Legislative Assistant to Councilman Bourgeois
Phone:  389-4697
Fax:      389-8895

Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 09:20:16 -0500

I would suggest that you ask your Councilmember to reactivate the Commission by requiring a study or report on the Commission to the full Council.  That would place the item on the agenda for public hearing and debate.
Ronnie Edwards
Baton Rouge Metro Councilwoman
District 5
P. O. Box 1471
Baton Rouge, LA  70821
3525 Riley Street
Baton Rouge, LA  70805

Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 10:41 PM
To: Ronnie Edwards (District 5)
It is unclear to me how I might work to have the Tree Commission reestablished.  It was set up under city ordinance, and no action has been taken by the city to dismember it.  Legally, I am unsure where this puts us.  Any suggestions?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Advocate Article 3/28/11

Tally of Registered Live Oaks Along Staring Lane

As of 4/10/11, only two of the 11 registered live oaks along Staring Lane are to be saved.  Road construction on lower half of Staring Lane is set to begin in August 2011, if funds continue to support.

Untouched, marked 'to save':
5249 MARC OAK  364 Staring Lane  27.01 
5253 PRIDE OF STARING  402 Staring Lane  14.02 

Cropped, ready for removal:

6169 STARING HOPE 467 Staring Lane  12.01  [one branch remains]
6183 ROBIN OAK 321 Staring Lane   09.06
6184 LAUREL OAK 321 Staring Lane  11.09
5786 CLARE  649 Staring Lane  11.03 
5787 ORIE  649 Staring Lane  11.00 
5788 OLIVE  649 Staring Lane  9.06 
5789 PHOENIX  560 Staring Lane  11.02    [half of crown remains]
5790 THOR  560 Staring Lane  9.00 
5440 TREY  572 Staring Lane  10.05 

STATUS 4/10/11: Registered Live Oak "STARING HOPE" (Girth 12.01 ft) at 467 Staring Lane

"STARING HOPE" is on left.  One branch left uncropped... 

Former View, 3/17/11 ("STARING HOPE" on left):

STATUS 4/10/11: Registered Live Oaks "ROBIN OAK" (Girth 9.06 ft) and "LAUREL OAK" (Girth 11.09 ft) at 321 Staring Lane

Former View, 3/17/11:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Per CSRS, Issuance of US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Permits = All Environmental Impacts Addressed

Still no answer from US Army Corps of Engineers...

Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 11:56 PM
To: ''
Cc: ''; ''; 'John.E.Singley@USACE.ARMY.MIL'
Subject: Environmental Impact: Green Light Project to Widen Staring Lane

Does the US Army Corps of Engineers agree that issuance of wetland permits for this project represents USACOE approval that all environmental impacts have been satisfactorily addressed?

From: John Snow []
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: Green Light Project to Widen Staring Lane (Chandler to Highland Rd Stretch)

Please see below for responses to your questions/comments.

·      Project Environmental Document only discusses area immediately around Bayou Duplantier, this is not the only area of impact.  Your estimates for environmental mitigation ($ 240,000) are too low.
The entire project limits, Highland Road to Perkins Road, were investigated for wetlands, UST’s, petroleum products and other hazardous chemicals, cultural resources, cemeteries and other requirements of Phase I Environmental Site Assessment standard practice.  All required wetland permits from the USACOE [US Army Corps of Engineers] have been acquired and remain active for this project.  Issuance of said permits reflects the USACOE concurrence of the impacts by this project.  The environmental budget presented in the project’s Concept Report was an estimate of project costs associated with detailed wetland and Phase I ESA studies of the final project limits, permits applications, permit maintenance, and other associated costs.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

You Can't Fight City Hall

Within 24 hours after the filming of this WBRZ news segment, the majority of the remaining live oaks along Staring Lane (excluding the four registered live oaks labelled by S.Shurtz/DPW as 'to be saved') were cropped, ready for removal. 

Staring Lane Tree Fight 10pm